Per Marcelo Anciano, Mulcahy’s assistant director (who would also later direct Arcadia’s excellent “Goodbye is Forever” video), here’s what went down: Hey, speaking of the Durans: David Buckley’s Elton: The Biography recounts how Elton met up with Duran Duran in Cannes in the middle of filming this video. And I may or may not* be sipping champagne to get in the proper spirit of things. In honor of Elton, I’m wearing my own tiara while writing this. I would expect no less from the man who famously packs two tiaras whenever he travels: one formal, one casual. Throughout the course of this video, he’ll undergo multiple wardrobe changes and don a gazillion different pairs of sunglasses. Sir Elton drives along the French Riviera in his flashy convertible, singing up a storm and looking like a million bucks. And, like, “Rio,” it doesn’t have much of a plot. “I’m Still Standing” was directed by Russell Mulcahy, and stylistically, it’s very similar to the work Mulcahy did on Duran Duran’s “Rio,” what with all the body paint and brightly-colored pop-art imagery.

I speak, of course, of Elton John’s 1983 video for “I’m Still Standing.” Let’s shake things up a bit here and move slightly away from Duran Duran for a second to examine one of the most cheerful, colorful, glorious videos of the 1980s.